Lies Wouters

Lies Wouters is an organizational psychologist with a focus on positive psychology. She has worked as a commercial manager for many years in an international environment before she came in touch with psychology. Now she combines her experience having worked as a manager herself and her knowledge of positive psychology research to help organizations grow and flourish.

Lies has over 15 years of experience in training and coaching. She delivers and designs both online and face-to-face training in emotional intelligence, positive leadership and (intercultural) communication. She has delivered leadership development training to several international companies and various industries.

She uses the most recent scientific research findings to develop high quality and result-driven training programs and to help leaders get the most out of their teams. In the design of her programs she combines transferring knowledge with experiential exercises to get the best results.

In the last few years she has developed several games and simulations that help people and teams develop in a safe and fun environment. She conducted scientific research around both a board game and a virtual simulation to investigate their influence on team developments and the effects on individual participants. Those effects include the effect on their resilience, Psychological Capital (PsyCap) and their organizational commitment. She is currently conducting research around psychological safety and an intervention to build safety within teams.

Lies has broad experience in an international environment, having worked and lived in Belgium, Spain, England and the Netherlands. She speaks Dutch, English, French and German.

Clients about Lies: „She is pleasant to work with and has a lot of knowledge about what drives people“. “It is inspiring to work with Lies. She is a great coach, very much aimed at my needs. She has a lot of experience in leadership herself.”

References: Shell, Tebodin, Arcadis, Reyms, Control Union, Interparts, GSG Services, Rabobank, Variopool, ABN Amro, AB Vakwerk,

You can’t stop the waves, but you can learn how to surf.

Expert for:

  • management consulting
  • business analysis
  • change management
  • conflict resolution
  • mediation.


I am happy to take time for you. Write to me via the contact form or call me directly.

Yours Lies Wouters

Tel: +49 951 299 48 36

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